A City of Broken Glass-Rebecca Cantrell

 A City of Broken Glass

Rebecca Cantrell

Forge, Jul 17 2012, $25.99

ISBN: 9780765327345


In 1938, Using the Swiss identity Adelheid Zinsli, American journalist Hannah Vogel and her adopted thirteen years old son Anton are in Poznan, Poland where mom is covering the annual November 11th St. Martin’s Day festival for her newspaper.  She learns that the Nazis have begun deporting Polish Jews in mass so she follows the lead to learn first-hand more about the refugee situation.


Her inquiry leads Hannah to Miriam the pregnant wife of her friend Paul Keller.  Miriam, who dislikes the journalist, despondently tells Hannah she left her two years old daughter Ruth behind in Berlin when she was forced to leave.  Hannah and Anton agree to rescue the baby.


The latest Hannah Vogel historical thriller (see A Game of Lies) is an exciting tale that brings to life the growing Nazi terrorism spreading anti-Semitism like a plague from Germany into Poland though the plights of Ruth and Miriam, and other displaced refugees.   Fast-paced and loaded with suspense, fans will appreciate heroic Hannah and awesome Anton as they mount a rescue attempt though they land in too many perils more than Pauline.


Harriet Klausner

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